putting your idea into the universe:
In our country the major problem is that the right selection of career. i see most of the people don’t like their work because they just do that to earn money for their survival. they don’t play any part in the improvement in that because they just work for money.
so basically i think career counseling is very important for the students and as well as employees to take the right path.when they about their strength and weakness they better understand their profession . it also very helpful while choosing a subject and its very important before making career decision.
when your passion become your profession you better interest and and also passionate about doing something new in your field.after class 10th and class 12th student should choose the relevant field of study which is according to his and her interest and you put more effort and do your your best when your career is according to your interest in which you passionate about.
why do i care about?
we all know that without money we cant survive. so when we choose the relevant field according to our interest we produce new things which is related to our field and we earn better so we all do this when we choose the right career in our life. it also low down the mental stress.
what are some ways to address this problem?
there are many ways to solve this problem currently i am working with my teacher where we counselling different students who are confused about while choosing their career.
after sometime i will open a clinic where i will create opportunities for those students who are confused about their career. i charge a small amount of fee for those who cant pay and i also conduct seminar in different universities and school where me and different expert addressed the students and tell them about their weakness and strength.
how will working on this problem help me to sustain in my life?
as i discussed earlier i charge a fee and for those who cant afford i will charge a small amount and also give some concession.
how will working on this problem helps the people and society?
i give advice and counselling the student in choosing right career it will help them to choose they want to become and they do their best in their particular field. and it also very helpful for the society because when people expert in their profession they contribute and a vital role in the development of the society.
my message:
I want to say something specially for parents and teachers. please understand your children's and what they want to become? don’t be aggressive and shout on them if they want to become a painter and if they want to become a designer. and its very helpful for our youth when they specialized in the particular field in which they interested. they do their 100 percent and create something new in their particular field because they passionate about it.